Live Laughs Lincs - A new comedy night for Grimsby

by Lauren Smith in Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

Live Laughs Lincs - A new comedy night for Grimsby
We did it
On 10th March 2023 we successfully raised £1,500 with 40 supporters in 28 days

To build a new comedy event excelling in accessibility and inclusion in North East Lincolnshire.

by Lauren Smith in Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We will increase the pace and outlook of our expansion plans into adding a second night in a further venue

On 3rd January 2023  we launched Live Laugh Lincs (LLL), a new comedy events project based in Grimsby and founded by Lauren Smith, a local female stand up comedian. 

Like a lot of Grimbarians, I moved away for a period after university and began performing stand-up in London in 2019. Returning home to Grimsby in April 2022 eager to experience the Northern comedy scene, it became apparent that there weren't opportunities readily available for local comics and comedic artists to perform in a dedicated space, to improve their practice, encourage entry to or for highlighting the sheer volume of talent that already exists across North East Lincolnshire.

Since returning back to Grimsby we’ve:

  •  Run at least five workshops across Grimsby and Cleethorpes
  • Worked with no less than 48 local residents on stand-up 
  • 11 of those participants are eager to give stand-up a go for the first time at a live gig 
  • Programmed Big Comedy Night in Louth 2022 with an audience of over 100 
  • Provided well paid performance opportunities for local and regional acts 

The appetite for stand-up comedy in North East Lincolnshire is huge, We have already seen the continued success of big venue nights for touring and celebrity comedians. 

LLL is set up to provide that same excitement, growth and opportunity to see your circuit comedians, to see your friends, family and to have a go yourself. 

Why crowdfunding? 

Honestly, We can't sustainably launch this project without some funding behind us for equipment, initially covering artist fees and all the fiddly bits involved in programming live entertainment. (who knew we’d need so much gaffa tape!) 

This is the first and only Comedy night of its kind in Grimsby, providing opportunities, and development for local talent and providing residents with a no barriers night dedicated to comedy. 

We’ll be nurturing folks to perform their first five minutes, showcasing working circuit comedians and hosting nationally and internationally performing artists from our towns and neighbouring counties. 

We'd love it if you could help. If we reach 50% funded on Crowdfunder, Grimsby Creates will match fund the rest. That's doubling your donation! 

So I’m asking for your support, even £1 helps! 

Everyone who donates to us will be listed with a big thank you on the supporter page on our website and you can even even submit us your favourite joke to go with it. 

LLL is committed to making comedy and music accessible to everyone no matter their financial circumstances. That’s why we’re launching our first comedy night on a Pay What You Can (PWYC) basis. 

We will only run PWYC performances in accessible, inclusive spaces and strive to remove as many barriers of entry to enjoying or participating in comedy! 

You can’t crowdfund every time though? 

Nope, you’re right. That’s not sustainable at all! 

To give you an idea of why we are crowdfunding right now, each PWYC night at cost is a minimum of £330 to put on. That’s from covering our equipment, insurances, (very modest) artist fees, marketing, ticketing fees & legal. 

So here’s the plan:

  • We will continue to build on our corporate bookings
  • We will continue to develop our range of sellable workshops
  • We project our growth to expand extra nights into larger venues within 12 months
  • We will grow our team so that we can register as CIC within 18 months 
  • We will work collaboratively with local creative partners to access funding to bring larger comedy events and a spring/summer comedy festival to the area within three years.

Your donations now will allow us to:

  • Equip Live Laugh Lincs with necessary tools, materials and lighting 
  • Continue to develop our programme of stand up comedy workshops
  • Work closely with local organisations such as those supporting young people and those with mental health issues.
  • Provide working development opportunities for local creatives

We also offer sponsorship deals, annually from £500 and founding sponsorship from £1500. Please get in touch at [email protected]   

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