In loving memory of Mr Henry Campbell

In loving memory of Mr Henry Campbell
We did it
On 27th June 2023 we successfully raised £2,220 with 46 supporters in 14 days

The angels must have needed an electrician. We are thankful & grateful for all the help Macmillan provided to dad over the past two years!

Started on 13th June 2023 Ripon Rd, London N17 6PP, UK

Instead of your kind gesture of flowers..... 

We would really appreciate any donations towards the McMillan Support staff. The last two years have been difficult, but without Macmillan it would have been near impossible. They catered to every need dad expressed, made him feel some normality during this whole ordeal. They genuinely brought a smile to his face....

Dad would always mention how much they had done for him, which is the reason why he would of said to keep your flowers and put the money to a cause which he and the family would of preferred. (In the nicest possible way!).

Anything you can contribute towards helping us achieve the target will be massively appreciated. 

Thank you.


5th August 2023 at 9:43am

Dear H Myself Joell and Alana misses you You will never be forgotten We will always remember you

5th August 2023 at 9:38am

pledged £100

Roy Theodore
15th July 2023 at 12:44pm

pledged £25

12th July 2023 at 5:13pm

Sorry for your loss Sending our condolences to the Campbell family

12th July 2023 at 5:12pm

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

Glenn Campbell
4th July 2023 at 5:16pm

Thank you so much everyone - really AMAZING to see the amount of money that has been donated!! ❤️

Glenn Campbell
4th July 2023 at 5:12pm

pledged £100

Leon Graham
2nd July 2023 at 10:12am

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Andrew Ojeifo
30th June 2023 at 8:19pm

May your soul rest in peace Mr Campbell.

Andrew Ojeifo
30th June 2023 at 8:18pm

pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid

30th June 2023 at 2:57pm

pledged £50

Marvin Owusu
30th June 2023 at 11:17am

Rest in Power King.

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